
Monday 23 December 2019

Activity 3: Dear Jacinda

Day 1 : Monday 23rd December
Activity 3 : Dear Jacinda

Image result for no to smoking

Dear Jacinda,

I know that Jacinda would most likely never read this but if she does I would want her help on banning cigarettes. I've chosen to ask Jacinda to ban cigarettes because it has so many negative affects on people. As you know cigarettes are what many people smoke and although they say its a "stress reliever" its very unhealthy for the lungs, and if people smoke often then they are most likely to develop lung cancer. Cigarettes are also somewhat expensive, so most people waste their money on smokes leaving not enough money for food or gas. For example a pack of 25 (Pall malls) would usually cost from $25 to $27 dollars, that much money is enough to buy 4 milk and 7 bread. Now that's a lot, but most people can't afford it after buying smokes that they are so addicted to (only because of the nicotine in it). This is a really important issue because it not only affects many peoples lives in and outside of my community but (sometimes) in my own family. So Jacinda, I hope I was able to persuade you to ban cigarettes.


Erica said...

Kia ora Limiteti,

Thank you for sharing you insightful view on why cigarettes should be banned. I agree, they have really negative health implications, and the price of cigarettes can really affect peoples quality of life as they might not be able to afford things they need like gas and food (like you mentioned). I'm sure our Prime Minister would love to hear what you have to say, in fact, I'm sure she has a website you could visit where you could email her :)

I have a question for you though (and it's a big one).. What would happen to the people who are heavily addicted to nicotine if cigarettes went off the market completely?

I'm curious to know what you think!

Nga mihi

Anonymous said...

Hello Limiteti,

Great issue to talk about! One concern though, for those that are heavily addicted this would most likely affect them negatively. Maybe sometime there will be a compromise between the sides??

Great work nonetheless!
- Riiana

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