
Thursday 30 October 2014

The horse who wanted a apple

The big horse wanted a apple from the HUGE tree but she was too small.She wanted one so badly that she started to jump for it but it didn't work.Then she run into the tree and then suddenly lots and lots of apples came crashing down and one landed in the her mouth.

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Harry and the Haunted house 30/October/2014

Harry and the Haunted House 30/October/2014

1.Who were Harrys friends and what animals what were they?

2.What objects did you see when they first entered the house?
old ripped curtains,old picture,chairs,table,rug,an open door,bugs

3.When they heard the scratching sounds what did they think it was?
A big monster with long hands,A skeleton shaking his bones and A zombie dragging his foot.

4.Which room was the scariest for you and why?
It was the room with all the pictures because they kept on moving their eyes

5.How would you feel going thow a scary house?
Really really scared and horrified.

6.What do you think what happened to Harrys hat?
It is on a monster
Screenshot 2014-10-21 at 11.36.25.png

Screenshot 2014-10-21 at 11.33.44.png

Friday 24 October 2014

Brainie 24/October/2014

This week in maths class I have played a game called Brainie.In this game you have to add and subtract numbers to get the number he is think of in his head.Sometimes you can level up and sometimes you have to keep on going.

If you would like to play this game click here

But thats only one thing I have done this week.I have also done my maths sheet the title is
WALT:subtracting using tidy numbers.
It means like 54+48=
you have to change a number in to the nearest 10s like

Friday 17 October 2014

Adding using tidy numbers.

This week in my maths class Room 12 WALT: solve addition problems by first adding a tidy number and then subtracting a small number to compensate.

If you look at the paper you cans see that we have to use number lines to help us but if we know it by place value then we can do it like that but we have to round the numbers up to tidy numbers.If you want a e.g then ...


We learn this because it can help us do maths in our head like when we go shopping we have to know how much to give to the counter and if we have to pay gas then we have to know how much you have to pay and how much you can keep.