
Wednesday 16 April 2014

My Easter basket

My EASTER activities

Today I made a Easter basket with little eggs in it and this is how I did it in the game. First I got four eggs and I put them in boiling water for a few minutes. secondly I took the eggs out and put in a boil.After that I got four food colorings,four boils,one judge of water and white vinegar. Next I poured the water in the four boils also the vinegar and I put the food coloring in when I finished the food coloring I put the eggs in and left it in there for about ten minutes then I took it out and I let it dry.After that I had to decorate my eggs so I picked poker dois,stars,love hearts and fancy things. When I finished I had to chose a basket and decorate around it I also had to pick a card. This is how I did my Easter eggs and basket.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

My Maths

WALT:Maths in a sum

Maths is a Story Sum 21 March 2013
WALT: How to maths in a story.
1. Alisi found 13 shells on Monday, 15 shells on Tuesday and 12 shells on Wednesday.  How many shells does she have altogether?
find: How many shells
operation: addition (+)
answer: 13+15+12=40
statement: Alisi has 40 shells.

2. Kaufana bought 18 bottles of cold drinks.  He drank 9 bottles last week.  How many bottles of cool drinks does he have left?
find:how many bottles
operation:take away (-)
statement:He has 9 bottles of cool drinks left.

3. Havea planted 10 trees in a row.  He planted 8 rows.  How many trees did he plant altogether?
find: how many trees are there
operation:tims (x)
statement:Havea planted 80 trees

4. Jazire had 25 lollies.  She shared them amongst her 5 friends.  How many lollies did each friend receive?
find:how many lollies did they get

5. Lusa ran 12 kilometres on Monday and 15 kilometres on Tuesday.  How many kilometres did she run altogether?
find:how many kilometres
operation:plus (+)

Race Relations Day at Glen Innes School

Race Relation Day 24314

What is Race Relation Day?Race Relation Day is when our school celebrates other cultures around us.There are many cultures in Glen Innes School.Samoans,Tongans,cookie lenders,Indians,Fiji,Niuean,Bermes,Maori,Spain,South African,Europeans and Kiwi.

On Friday the 21 of march 2014 our school had Race Relation day.First every one got dressed into their church close or cultes close.Next we all went into the hall so we could start .Then the kapa haka boys performed for us then Mr Naidoo started to talk to us about why we are having Race relation day while we were in our circle.After that the people how were saying the speeches in there languages had to stand up in the middle of the circle and speak in their second language it was Chole,Manuela,Robin,Camille,dau and me we all where really nervous but we all read it in front of the whole school. When we finished every clapped for us.then it was time for Mr Hendrix to speak in his second language.After that the teachers played songs one by one and every colcher song the people how is that chlothar had to walk up the stage and show there pretty out fits.

When it all finished I learn that any coulter is allowed at our school and no coulter is better than another.