
Tuesday 28 November 2017


Today we did an experiment. We tried to create a parachute, using only string, a plastic bag and celertape. Thankfully It was successful and we were able to make it float in the air for a little while. We had a little bottle cap tied to the end of it. The cap acted like an anchor pulling it down to the floor.

Basic Facts: Prototec

Basic Facts : Prototec

Today for maths we did an activity called prototec. It was very easy and I only answered incorrectly once. I got 39 out of 40 question correct. I think that I'm ready to move on to stage 7.

Friday 17 November 2017

Basic Facts: Prototec

In class, for maths today we did an activity called prototec. Prototec is a maths game that challenges you on how fast you can answer the questions that they provide for you. There are 8 stages and today I did stage 7. I think I did pretty good, the only downfall was that I’m not to good with converting fractions into decimals or percentages.

Thursday 16 November 2017


In class we were told to make a comic on something that we learnt in math. For me I did fractions, not only because it was easy but because I knew that if I couldn't explain my learning then I have truly learnt nothing.

Wednesday 15 November 2017


Being cybersmart is really important. Being cybersmart is when you know what to put on the internet and know what not to put on the internet. For instance never give out personal information about yourself or others but, what you can do is tell people the name of your dog. My Storyboard is about being cyber smart, and knowing that things you tell people you just met online can come with serious consequences.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Burning newspaper experiment

Burning Newspaper
Ask a question
What will happen when we burn a newspaper?
Construct a hypothesis( make a guess)
I think that the newspaper that we burn will turn to ash.
Conduct the experiment
We burnt the newspaper and it turned into ash.
Record your observations and data colour change
When the experiment was happening I noticed that my hypothesis was correct when I said it would turn into ash but there was a little more to it. Its temperature also changed from room temperature to hot and the colour also changed as well, from different colours to dark and light grey. I also noticed that when it was burning it let off smoke and the smoke also had an odd smell attached to it.
Analyse information
  • There was colour change ( light grey and dark grey )
  • The temperature changed ( went hot )
  • Its irreversible ( the paper could not go back to its original form after it was burnt )
  • It let off smoke with an odd smell. ( the smoke was caused by gas in the experiment, when it burnt the smoke carried a smell with it when it evaporated into the air. ).... ( can't describe the smell )
Report results:
My hypothesis was partly correct. (  I said “The paper will turn to ash“  ) and it did