Activity 3 : Concluding the journey
Personally I really enjoyed Week 1, Day 3, Activity 3, for that activity I created a poster of my brothers dream job and how I was going to help him achieve his goal, to me that was my favourite one because I really did like getting to know more about him, personally I also liked the recent activity where we said our points of views towards the Royal family's dance (but that definitely comes second). The activity I enjoyed the least would have to be when talking about people I look up to, mainly because there are not so many people I look up to and sometimes I look up to different people for different reasons which was really hard to choose from. Three things I learnt while completing the program was that...
1. I can do anything I put my mind to
2. I must learn to read instructions properly to get best results and do the activitys correctly
3. learning is more fun when not being forced and pressured to complete it
This program was an amazing experience and I loved every moment of it, although some times I was not able to submit my post on time due to personal reasons, I had a blast!. By saying that, I really can not think of anything they can improve on, and if they really are looking for something to change I know that it will only make these activitys much greater.