
Monday 4 December 2017

3D shapes

3D shapes

Today we did an activity where we made 3D shapes. We first had to learn what to do so the site we were on gave us some tasks to do, to get use to the controls. First they taught us how to move pieces into other pieces. Then they taught us the camera controls, there was a little box that we had to use to move around. We learnt to see objects from all points of views.

After that we learnt how to create holes in other objects, I didn't really get that correct because you need a proper mouse to complete the task. Thereafter the sight taught us how to place in objects and how to rearrange their size. After that there were many other task that they gave to us to complete, I think I did good but the hardest one was when I had to carve a hole into another object and turning it into a wrench, which wasn't so successful. But i'm still happy with my results.

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