
Friday 9 December 2016

Things I cant live without

In class today we made a wheel with all the things that I cant live without, and this is what I came up with.

movies - it entertains me when Im down or bored.

family - because they've been apart of me since I was born.

food - eating is one of my hobbies when I'm bored I eat when im sad I eat and when i'm hungry I eat.

music - music is a really important part of me because it's like I enter into another dimension it makes me feel free.

friends - my friends are the best things that ever happened to me I don't think I would be who I am now if it wasn't for them.

Friday 14 October 2016


Image result for chocolateThis chocolate is as smooth as a metal pole holding up the flag, it’s more delicious than a ice cream on a hot summer day. Its scent is as sweet as a baby's smile.


Man stuck upside down!!!!!

Name: Limi 12 October 2016

WALT: man trapped upside down for 13 hours

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
The man upside down.
2. What was the key event from the news article?
The man was hung upside down for 13 hours.
3. Where did this event take place?
At his house, in his basement.

That man was stuck upside down for 13 hours straight, he was coming home one night and lost his keys. This man thought it was a brilliant idea to climb threw him basement window. It was all going well until his foot got stuck in an awkward position. When he was found the police and the fire department took him to the hospital and he explained his story.

If you want to read more visit kiwi kids news!!!


Friday 29 July 2016

Olympic facts

Bonnie kathleen Blair

Letter to Mr Hendricks

Glen Innes School
Glen Innes
26 July 2016

Dear: Mr Hendricks

Mr Hendricks do you ever feel bored when you are forced to play a game you don't like?
Well this is how we the students of Glen Innes school feel like when the teachers organise most of the school events. I strongly believe that you should let us,the year 7 and 8 students be in charge of the mini olympics  for the senior part of the school.

Firstly, think of the classes that will be playing the minigames, the teachers might not know what games they like, so the children won't put as much effort into playing it and they’ll be bored and just want to go back to class, but if we the years 7 and 8 students organise it they won't be so bored because we are still kids and we know what sports kids like to play.

Secondly we all might be put into groups and we can communicate with each other and we might even come up with some great ideas that might surprise you in different ways.  This will be a gold opportunity for us to practice and develop some leadership skills.    

Surely, having the chance to organise this mini olympic would be an amazing chance to have and you might even be amazed by what we can do and come up with.

Yours sincerely


Friday 24 June 2016

Polygon shape game

Name: Limi 24 June 2016

WALT: Polygon shape game

Screenshot 2016-06-09 at 9.59.09 AM.png
Screenshot 2016-06-09 at 9.59.36 AM.png
Screenshot 2016-06-09 at 10.00.33 AM.png

This Polygon shape game is a good game to play if you don't know polygon shapes and non polygon shapes apart.

First click start then it comes to another page to explain what a polygon looks like and a non polygon looks like. When you are done then click start again and it will come to a page with shapes flying around and a star. The star is the mouse and on top it tells you what you have to click the polygon or the non polygon. If you click the wrong one then you will get a cross.

I think this game is a good game to play to learn about polygons. When you play this I promise you will love it.

Polygon definition

A polygon has flat and straight side and a non polygon has curved sides and the lines dont conect to make a whole shape.


Name: Limi 24 June 2016
Screenshot 2016-06-22 at 11.11.50 AM.png
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during the week in class I played a game called ordering. When this game has been activated you will arrive on a page with 3 t-shirts, 1 teddy bear, 2 cans, 1 bottle and 1 man. All of them are games but the lucky one I chose was the teddy bear.If you click on the teddy bear you come to another page with toys on shelves. First it tells you the smallest to the biggest then you click on one of the toys and start your math journey.

I think this game is a good game to play I like the prises game because at first when, I didn't know what to do I just wanted to play a different game.When I realized what I had to do I loved it. but I think the teddy bear game is a bit hard but easy at the same time.

My short writing about the nervous system

Name: Limi 24 June 2016

My short writing about the nervous system!!

Nervous are placed all over our body that's how we feel physical pain. There are about 100 billion nervous in our body all together it’s known as the nervous system.

There are only 3 organs that help the nervous system the brain, spinal cord and of course the nervous. Say you hit your thumb it will travel through you're nervous to your spinal cord and up to your brain.

Everyone in the world needs the nervous system because if we didn't have our nervous then in our sleep we would suffocate and die. The nervous system plays a very important part in our body

Lungs writing

Name: Limi 24 June 2016

WALT: Lungs

Respiratory system works with the lungs and is taking fresh air in and leaving stale air out.Screenshot 2016-06-23 at 10.55.15 AM.pngImage result for diaphragm and lungs

We have 2 lungs, the left lung is smaller than the right lung.

Our rib cage protects our lungs, but beneath our lungs is the diaphragm a muscle that helps the lungs inhale and exhale, in the shape of a dome.

The outside of the lungs is pink and squish like a sponge.

Bronchioles are smaller than bronchi they are like little branches and there are 30,00 in both lungs.

Alveoli is what is at the end of the bronchiole a special area with teeny tiny air.

There are approximately 600 million Alveoli in our body and if you stretch it out it would cover a whole tennis court.

Friday 15 April 2016

Lemon cupcake

Name: Limi 12 April 2016

WALT: Lemon cupcake

As my class Rm7 and I walked into the hall we grabbed a table and placed it in front of the stage. Everybody ran to the stage like leopards chasing their prey. “ Bang bang boom boom “ is all I could hear when I jumped on the stage.

After that Mrs Tu'akoi gave all of us cupcake liners and we all had to write our names on the bottom of it. Then Miss Lammas took them and put them in trase.

Then Miss Lammas carefully walked into the hall with all the ingredients in her two hands, she placed it on the table and Mrs Tu’akoi stepped in to take over the lesson. “ Okay open a document and write down these ingredients" One by one she read them out to us, and then she put it all together.

When Mrs Tu'akoi was grating the Rind off the lemon and into the mixture I could smell the lemon it smelt so good. Then Mrs put the batter into the liners and put them in the over for 20min. We walked back to class 30min before Lunch. 20min later the door opens and with cup cakes in Miss Lammas hands.

“Mmmmm” I said , I could smell the delicious lemon and yogurt cupcakes from across the room. I slowly got up and off my seat and walk towards the cup cakes.
The aroma of the cupcakes engulfed my nose with delight and joy, I just couldn't wait to take a bite. “Beep Beep Beeeep Beeeeeep I was about to go off like a bomb if I didn't get my cupcake soon.

“Limi” Mrs Tu'akoi said “ That's me “ I replied, I carefully took my cup cake and ran to my seat. I was jumping up and down up and down with excitement, I just couldn't wait to dig in.
As I lifted this delouise treat towards my mouth I could feel that the cupcake was still hot so that, would probably mean it would be extra deloice.  My first bite took me to the moon, it was so good and it was nice and soft.

I could really taste the lemon and yogurt, but if I had to change anything it would be nothing, because it was perfect just the way it was and, I just wish I had some more!

Jam turn over

Jam Turn over!!!

My mouth filled up with water as the apricot jam , oozed out of the hot pastry and onto my paper towel. My mouth opened wide as my tastes buds were getting ready to fly to the moon. “Crunchhhhhhh” the pastry was as crunchy as toast and the jam was as hot as lava.

“Tick - Tock - Tick - Tock” I was about to go off like a time bomb it was that good, I was in a whole new world and my taste buds were on a whole new level of flavor, my brain turned inside out and my mouth was on fire, It was soooo delicious and so so sooo hot, my stomach just screamed for more.


What my class and I do every morning.

Name: Limi 12 April 2016

Word: considerate

Dictionary meaning - careful not to inconvenience or harm others

Synonyms - generous, mindful

Antonyms -  careless, greedy

Related words - considerately, considerateness

Sentence - he was a very considerate critic.

Name: Limi 12 April 2016

Word: Critical

Dictionary meaning - expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements.

Synonyms - demanding

Antonyms - uncritical

Related words - criticality, criticalness

Sentence - the floodwaters had not receded and the situation was still critical

Name: Limi 12 April 2016

Word : dispute

Dictionary meaning - a disagreement or an argument

Synonyms - discord,row

Antonyms - calm,agreement

Related words - disputer, disputes

Sentence - It was a terrible dispute between the mother and father.

Name: Limi 12 April 2016

Word : Establish

Dictionary meaning - set up on a firm or permanent basis

Synonyms - form, install, build

Antonyms - destroy, end , remove

Related words - establishable,establisher

Sentence -I had to establish the doll house all by myself.

Name: Limi 12 April 2016

Word: Investment

Dictionary meaning - the action or process of investing money for profit.

Synonyms - asset, money

Antonyms - truth, realty

Related words - non reinvestment

Sentence - building a house was a major investment.

Name: Limi 13 April 2016

Word : empathy

Dictionary meaning - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

Synonyms - rapport, insight, pity

Antonyms - hatred, indifference

Related words - empathetic

Sentence - Because her parents immigrated to the United States to give her a better life, Maria has empathy for illegal aliens.

Name: Limi 13 April 2016

Word: Moral

Dictionary meaning - a lesson that can be derived from a story or experience

Synonyms - principled, proper

Antonyms - evil, fake, unjust

Related words - over moral, moral less

Sentence - he learnt a very moral lesson today.

Name: Limi 13 April 2016

Word : significant

Dictionary meaning - sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention

Synonyms - important, powerful, symbolic

Antonyms - trivial, unimportant

Related words - significantly, nonsignificant

Sentence - Without any significant proof of his involvement, the man was let off with a stern warning.

Name: Limi 13 April 2016

Word: reveal

Dictionary meaning - make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others

Synonyms - expose, admit

Antonyms - deny, hide

Related words - reveal ability, revealable ness

Sentence - I had to reveal the rabbit out of the hat in the magic show.


Name: Limi 13 April 2016

Word: appeal

Dictionary meaning - make a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request

Synonyms -  demand, bid, peal

Antonyms - answer, reply

Related words - appealable, appealability

Sentence - her jokes are quickly losing appeal.


Name: Limi 14 April 2016

Word : absolutely

Dictionary meaning - with no qualification, restriction, or limitation

Synonyms - totally, definitely

Antonyms - doubtful, uncertain

Sentence - I absolutely love cooking for the family every night.

Name: Limi 14 April 2016

Word: avoid

Dictionary meaning - keep away from or stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms - bypass, dodge

Antonyms - face, meet, talk

Related words - avoidable, avoider

Sentence - every morning I come to school late to avoid fitness
Name: Limi 14 April 2016

Word : alternative

Dictionary meaning - (one or more things) available as another possibility or choice

Synonyms - different

Antonyms - same

Related words - alternativeness, alternatively

Sentence -The only alternative to the abandonment of one is the loss of all.________________________________________________________________________

Name: Limi 14 April 2016

Word: apparently

Dictionary meaning - as far as one know or can see

Synonyms - the crack in the wall was

Antonyms - unlikely

Related words - apparent, self- apparent

Sentence - As this viral video shows, your vocal cords can apparently be a weapon


Name: Limi 14 April 2016

Word: collapse

Dictionary meaning - When someone or something as fallen.

Synonyms -  crash, failure

Antonyms - merical, success, wonder.

Related words - pre collapse, uncollapse

Sentence - He nearly collapsed in the room.