
Friday 24 June 2016

Polygon shape game

Name: Limi 24 June 2016

WALT: Polygon shape game

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This Polygon shape game is a good game to play if you don't know polygon shapes and non polygon shapes apart.

First click start then it comes to another page to explain what a polygon looks like and a non polygon looks like. When you are done then click start again and it will come to a page with shapes flying around and a star. The star is the mouse and on top it tells you what you have to click the polygon or the non polygon. If you click the wrong one then you will get a cross.

I think this game is a good game to play to learn about polygons. When you play this I promise you will love it.

Polygon definition

A polygon has flat and straight side and a non polygon has curved sides and the lines dont conect to make a whole shape.


Name: Limi 24 June 2016
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during the week in class I played a game called ordering. When this game has been activated you will arrive on a page with 3 t-shirts, 1 teddy bear, 2 cans, 1 bottle and 1 man. All of them are games but the lucky one I chose was the teddy bear.If you click on the teddy bear you come to another page with toys on shelves. First it tells you the smallest to the biggest then you click on one of the toys and start your math journey.

I think this game is a good game to play I like the prises game because at first when, I didn't know what to do I just wanted to play a different game.When I realized what I had to do I loved it. but I think the teddy bear game is a bit hard but easy at the same time.

My short writing about the nervous system

Name: Limi 24 June 2016

My short writing about the nervous system!!

Nervous are placed all over our body that's how we feel physical pain. There are about 100 billion nervous in our body all together it’s known as the nervous system.

There are only 3 organs that help the nervous system the brain, spinal cord and of course the nervous. Say you hit your thumb it will travel through you're nervous to your spinal cord and up to your brain.

Everyone in the world needs the nervous system because if we didn't have our nervous then in our sleep we would suffocate and die. The nervous system plays a very important part in our body

Lungs writing

Name: Limi 24 June 2016

WALT: Lungs

Respiratory system works with the lungs and is taking fresh air in and leaving stale air out.Screenshot 2016-06-23 at 10.55.15 AM.pngImage result for diaphragm and lungs

We have 2 lungs, the left lung is smaller than the right lung.

Our rib cage protects our lungs, but beneath our lungs is the diaphragm a muscle that helps the lungs inhale and exhale, in the shape of a dome.

The outside of the lungs is pink and squish like a sponge.

Bronchioles are smaller than bronchi they are like little branches and there are 30,00 in both lungs.

Alveoli is what is at the end of the bronchiole a special area with teeny tiny air.

There are approximately 600 million Alveoli in our body and if you stretch it out it would cover a whole tennis court.