
Friday 13 June 2014

Maths in a story sum

Maths is a Story Sum 21 March 2013

This is what I learnt from maths in a story sum

WALT:do maths in a story
1. Alisi found 13 shells on Monday, 15 shells on Tuesday and 12 shells on Wednesday.  How many shells does she have altogether?
find: How many shells
operation: addition (+)
answer: 13+15+12=40
statement: Alisi has 40 shells.

2. Fana bought 18 bottles of cooldrinks.  He drank 9 bottles last week.  How many bottles of cool drinks does he have left?
find:how many bottles
operation:take away (-)
statement:He has 9 bottles of cool drinks left.

3. Havea planted 10 trees in a row.  He planted 8 rows.  How many trees did he plant altogether?
find: how many trees are there
operation:tims (x)
statement:Havea planted 80 trees

4. Jazire had 25 lollies.  She shared them amongst her 5 friends.  How many lollies did each friend receive?
find:how many lollies did they get

5. Lusa ran 12 kilometres on Monday and 15 kilometres on Tuesday.  How many kilometres did she run altogether?
find:how many kilometres
operation:plus (+)

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