Click on the image to navigate to the game relating to Experiencing Marine Reserves EMR.
In the context of Experiencing Marine reserves, I will design and produce a Multi-level game for 6-11 year olds to be used to teach them about pollution in our marine reserves.
The following link is a survey that I used to share the Experiencing Marine Game with my peers.
EMR Survey
Course of Action Survey results
The following is a link to the survey results
Explanation - First-hand Experience with Marine Reserves (science)
(insert the explanation here)
Explanation - Differences between your Local Area and Marine Reserve (science)
(insert the explanation here)
Passion and Demonstration of Understanding of Marine Conversation in NZ (social studies)
(insert paragraph here)
Teachers Opinions and Recommendations
(insert link to survey)
Teachers Opinions and Recommendations Results
(insert the link to the survey results)